09 December, 2008

starting over

Life happens. 
We plan to exercise and we do it.
One workout activity at a time. 
Then we look back over our exercise journals 
or calendars and realize we're on a roll. 
We're feeling great, looking good, our clothes fit better, 
and people start to notice the change. 
And then a day comes it just doesn't happen.
Maybe you wake up with a sore throat 
or your grand-daughter is visiting from London and you skip a day. 
Maybe you skip two. 
Or you break your toe and you have to sit out for a week.
And then when you try to start back in, it hurts.
You have many options to explore
and this is when cross training is helpful.
Maybe you decide to switch from walking the mall to swimming, or yoga.
Take a break from tap dancing but try a Tai Chi class.
And if you're still stumped, call me. 

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