06 January, 2020

5 years old

What a fun birthday party with your friends! And walking with Sophie in the fresh snow. How I love to watch you collecting "Snow Babies" in your Easter basket. And your chilly pink cheeks make me smile whenever I think of them. It's not a long walk, sometimes we just go to the end of the block, but you seem to find treasure everytime we go out. I will miss you when you move out, but we will have sleepovers as much as possible. We just won't see each other everyday. But most days! And maybe I will sell my house and move closer to you? Or buy a camper van and rent my house and travel around. Or maybe I will move to France and you will come visit. Now that you are 5 years old, you are a big girl and able to travel without your Mom and Dad. You are almost able to read on your own and you recognize alot of words.  Today you are going back to school and you will see your favorite friends. How lucky for you, and exciting, and I can't wait to hear all about it when I tuck you in tonight!

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