I scooped ice cream for KFNA last night.
Once a year, on National Night Out, the Kingfield Neighborhood Assosciation board members, of which I am one of 13, go around to all the registered block parties in the Kingfield Neighborhood and give everyone who wants one, a scoop of ice cream.
Last night the flavors were Oreo (good but boring) and creme fraiche curry crunch. The curry one is exclusive to Kingfield and sold only at a coffee shop in the same building as the ice cream "factory"
It's pretty much to die for: pecan pralines with curry spices and a lovely buttermilk tang to the ice cream...
I loved it but did not get as much of it as I had hoped.
I was paired with the KFNA director (we work in pairs) and I had imagined that at the end of serving 10 block parties for a total of 4 hours that she would offer a large bowl or the leftover container of the curry selection to me, to take home.
She did not.
She dropped me at my car, parked near the factory, with barely a thank you, and drove off
to collect equipment from the other 4 teams of scoopers (52 registered parties)
I, of course, imagined them meeting at the KFNA office and devoring the leftover ice cream
and debriefing without moi! So I went into Anodyne and bought a pint of last year's flavor, "Nicollet Pothole", as the curry flavor was not in the case yet
My ice cream and I went home and I ate it, with a shot of coconut rum, in a hot bubble bath while watching "Burn after Reading" It was the perfect opportunity for feeling sorry for myself and practicing self destruction at the same time. And having John Malkovich and Frances McDormand in the background was heavenly distraction from my urge to write a nasty e-mail to the board and quit in a fit of dramatic self-righteousness.
How dare they treat me like this: carrying heavy things and using my massage arms to scoop hard frozen ice cream for four hours!! Without any compensation and barely a thank you (beyond all the thank yous of the people I handed a serving and the endless comments of how nice it is that we do this for the neighborhood. Can't people understand how important and special I am and blah, blah, blah...I get like this when I am tired and my blood sugar drops.
On top of all that, I woke up this morning with a headache from eating all that chocolate ice cream before falling asleep
I haven't really gotten into gin and tonic.
My mother was a gin drinker and maybe that is what turns me off
or maybe something about the taste of tonic...
I'm sticking with coconut rum for now
alternating with the occasional margarita
and more often than not: coconut rum margarita.
Malibu actually offers a combination tequila/rum/ coconut liqueur now
I'm pretty sure they stole that idea from MOI!
MM and AB are camping for a few days
They'll be back for the family reunion on Sunday
AM is still living at my house
And I'm still fat, but with really great hair thanks to Pat at " Our Gang" and my latest foil job
I ordered new glasses, thanks to breaking my old ones in two places.
I'm going to pick them up after I finish this and see if they have the new ice cream in the case yet...
The birds love my sunflowers and I love to watch them dividing up the seeds
No new guardian ad litem cases for me
No new volunteer agreements as I am resenting the ones I already have on my plate.
Looking at a new mattress, probably a futon...
And business as usual, feeling exhausted, used up, hot and sticky
It is getting dark earlier and I know that means winter is around the corner...
But I don't care because I have a reliable new Scion: with not much sex appeal
but 1 year of free maintenance and 3 year warranty.
I love my work, but it is intensely physical and sometimes I just burn out.
C'est la vie!
PS I am writing a lot more...and it's really fun
Are you sticking with gin and tonic?
What about the Lillet: I'm sure it misses you, and wonders why you like gin and tonic better...
I think it's asswhole, not asshole, except for our sons and son in laws
And then, sometimes I even wonder about them
But I am totally wrong: All of our sons and daughters are perfectly imperfect
And let's leave it at that...
Actually there is nothing wrong with men except for the fact that too many women don't want to have sex with them and that gets to them after a while. And a growing number of women don't want to have committed/long term relationships with them and they know about the research that shows that men who live alone die sooner and are ill more often.
That has got to hurt, and bring up feelings of desperation.
Plus the ones who have alienated their kids probably feel abandoned and cant handle that either
Then they get scared, buy guns and shoot them
Back to work!
Or retail therapy, both are important...